Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What Makes You What You Are

Personality: What makes you the way you are? – Science News – The Independent At some point in your life, you've probably filled in a personality questionnaire (â€Å"Do you see yourself as†¦.? â€Å"), and wondered as you ticked the boxes if there can really be any validity to such a simplistic way of assessing people. Surely the scores just reflect your mood on the day, or what you want the investigator to think. Surely everyone gives the same answer, which is â€Å"it depends†.Or even if the scores measure something, surely it is how the person sees themselves, rather than how they actually are. In a new book, I examine what the extent of the science underlying personality psychology really is. The answer is: more than you would think. While it has always been popular in business and pop psychology, and within academic psychology, personality research has been a poor relation to the parts of the discipline with experiments and hard objective measures. H owever, this is changing fast.The field of personality is undergoing a renaissance. The reasons for the renaissance are several. Academics now have some really good long-term studies of the same individuals, and it turns out that those brief, simplistic, pencil-and-paper questionnaires have surprisingly useful properties. They produce a wide range of selfdescriptions. The responses are fairly repeatable over intervals of many years. They also correlate quite well with ratings of the person given by their spouse, friends or colleagues.Much more importantly, though, the responses turn out to predict objective events. For example, in a famous cohort of gifted Californian children recruited in the 1920s, and who are elderly or deceased now, personality â€Å"scores† – numerical representations of answers to questions – are significant predictors of life expectancy. In another long-term study, this time of American married couples, the quality and duration of the mar riage is predicted by the personality scores of both parties prior to marriage.There are many other examples, with personality scores predicting substance addiction, problem gambling, and the onset of psychological illnesses. Of course the prediction is a statistical one – you can assign odds, not make oracular pronouncements – but this is how it always is in psychology. Humans are such complex systems that you are happy to explain a portion of the variation in outcomes, and never expect to explain it all. In recent years there has been renewed interest in personality assessment. This has been greatly aided by the fact that there is now a consensus on what the key variables are.Its early development, the field was greatly hampered by every investigator having his or her own scales, often using different names and measures for what turned out to be the same thing, or indeed the same names for what turned out to be different things. But over the last 20 years, many studi es in several different cultures have shown that much of the systematic variation in personality can be reduced to scores along five dimensions (the â€Å"Big Five†): Extraversion, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Openness. It's important to stress that these are all continuous dimensions.That is, there are no discrete important to stress that these are all continuous dimensions. That is, there are no discrete â€Å"types† of person. Personality dimensions are like height or weight, which vary continuously, not like being a left- or a right-hand writer. Your score on one dimension is independent of your scores on all the others, so there is an almost infinite diversity of different overall profiles possible. If developments within psychology have facilitated the renaissance of personality studies, it is at the interface with biology where the exciting developments are beginning to come.Neuroscientists have shown, mainly using the increasingly sophisti cated brain imaging techniques that are now available, that those simple pencil-and-paper personality scores correlate significantly with the size or neurophysiological reactivity of specific regions of the brain. Moreover, these turn out to be the very regions that other types of evidence (evidence from brain damage, for example) would lead us to expect would be involved in that particular area of psychological function. Geneticists, too, are getting involved in personality research.It has recently become apparent that more of the human genome differs from individual to individual, even within our rather genetically homogenous species, than was previously thought. We know this inter alia from the complete sequence of Dr Craig Venter's genome, which was published earlier this month. About 0. 5 per cent of the genetic information in his maternallyinherited genome is different from his paternally-inherited one. Variant sequences affect nearly half his genes, and it is likely that in m any cases those variants will have some functional effect on body, brain or behaviour.In a few cases, we even know which genetic variants have effects on personality. There is a gene that encodes a receptor molecule for the neurotransmitter dopamine, and which contains a repeating sequence whose length varies from person to person. A number of studies have found that the length of this sequence correlates with self-reported extraversion and reward-seeking behaviour. In another gene, the serotonin transporter, individuals with one variant are more likely to develop depressive symptoms in response to stressful life events than bearers of the other version.In a few years, we may be in the position of actually understanding the molecular bases of the differences in nature that we observe between healthy humans. (But note that genetic effects will not turn out to be the whole story; only around half of the variation in personality looks like being heritable, with the rest probably shaped by early environmental exposures and other developmental processes. ) The other group of researchers getting interested in personality is evolutionists. Personalitylike variation has been found in organisms as diverse as fish, mammals and birds.Indeed, Darwin's whole theory of evolution rests on the observation that individuals vary from one another. Without such variation there can be no natural selection and no evolutionary change. The question for evolutionists is why you would find variation persisting in populations, when selection always reduces diversity in favour of the optimal type. In fact, it turns out that there are often multiple optima, even within a single habitat, with individuals of one type doing well under certain conditions, while faring less well than their competitors under others. Thus, nder certain conditions, while faring less well than their competitors under others. Thus, selection rarely narrows the population to uniformity because individuals with diffe rent qualities flourish in different contexts. I rather like this as a guiding framework for thinking about personality in modern humans. Rather than imagining that there is some personality profile that is uniformly good to have, let's assume that all have their strengths and all have their pitfalls. Indeed, the failure of any one profile to dominate the human population attests to their roughly equal fitness in the long run.So, whatever your score on the Big Five, the point is not to try to change it, or fight it. The point is to establish which niche within the complex ecology that is modern society will be a good one for you to ply your trade in, and which of the diverse dangers (social isolation, addiction, depression†¦ ) that lurk in our both beneficent and hazardous habitat are the ones against which you should be most vigilant. This is where self-knowledge comes in, and taking the personality test overleaf can be part of that. Scoring your personality won't tell you any thing you don't know.It's based on how you see yourself, so logically it couldn't. But it can reveal to you how you compare to other people, and can also tap you into a wealth of accumulated psychological knowledge about the strengths and liabilities that other people similar to you have experienced. This is what the questionnaire and the interpretation overleaf are designed to do. Daniel Nettle is the author of Personality: What Makes You the Way You Are (? 12. 99), published by Oxford University Press. To order a copy for the special price of ? 11. 69 (with free P) call Independent Books Direct on 0870 079 8897, or visit www. ndependentbooksdirect. co. uk What kind of personality are you? Take this test to discover the truth Introducing the big five Once you have completed the questionnaire and added up your scores, you should have an indication of whether you score low, medium-low, medium-high, or high on each of the Big Five dimensions of human personality. But what do these sco res mean? Here, I explore the Big Five to examine their effects on our lives. Extraversion This is a familiar concept. High-scorers are fun-seeking and cheerful, but they are not necessarily immediate hedonists; they are often ambitious and hard-working.They are also sexually adventurous and love to be the centre of attention. Low-scorers are not necessarily shy so much as aloof; they can take or leave success, praise and pleasure. The best way to think about this dimension is in terms of response to reward. Society offers certain incentives; money, power, fame, attention, sex, thrills, and so on, and some people certain incentives; money, power, fame, attention, sex, thrills, and so on, and some people pursue them full-out, while others have a more muted response and thus won't work so hard to capture them.The strengths of high-scorers: energy, charisma, drive, the ability to make things happen. The weaknesses: a tendency to get bored, restlessness, infidelity, risky decisions. Str engths of lowscorers: detachment, pursuit of intrinsic goals, prudence, fidelity. The weaknesses: not thrusting themselves forward, not having fun, a flat emotional tone. There is no value-judgement about which of these is better from the point of view of a potential employer or spouse, but is certainly worth being aware of the likely pitfalls and most suitable habitats for your particular level of Extraversion.Conscientiousness Conscientiousness measures how good people are at setting themselves goals and sticking to them. High-scorers are disciplined, efficient and systematic. They can resist temptation and stick to priorities they have set themselves. In most modern occupations, and particularly those where you have to manage your own time and priorities, fairly high Conscientiousness is advantageous. Low-scorers are more likely to get distracted from tasks, renege on plans, and succumb to weaknesses of the will. Indeed, low Conscientiousness is a risk factor for developing addic tions of all kinds.Being high in Conscientiousness is not always an unalloyed benefit, though. Sometimes it is indeed important to stick to plans. But at other times it is important to be able to change them on a sixpence. Very high scorers are perceived as grim, pedantic, unspontaneous, even miserly. There is even a name for excessive Conscientiousness – obsessive-compulsive personality disorder – and this is a very socially disabling condition. There are many human activities, including, crucially, social relationships, where it is essential to be able to respond in the moment to your environment as it changes.Highly conscientious people are rigid, often sticking to tasks and plans even when the point of them has been overtaken by events, or when the needs of others around them require spontaneous reorganising of priorities. Thus, if you are very low in Conscientiousness, for the sake of your career, your health, and your wellbeing, you may need to work effortfully a t seeing your plans through, and being selfdisciplined. If you are a very high scorer, you may need to learn to be more spontaneous and intuitive, again for the benefits that this will bring in terms of flexibility and improved social relationships.Neuroticism I would like to dispel the notion that Neuroticism is always a bad thing, a kind of pathology, and that the best level of Neuroticism to have is a very low one. The evidence for the prosecution: yes, high-scorers live their lives under the Damoclean swords of depression, anxiety, stress, and disappointment. Whatever the world says about them, they are often uncomfortable in their inner lives, and go through life either with bouts of difficult times, or with a constant vague feeling that something is not quite right.However, if we think logically, negative emotions, such as worry, are always going to be there for a reason. One would not want to be entirely without worry. It would be as damaging to life decisions as the inabilit y to feel physical pain is to peripheral physiology. High Neuroticism scorers can bring to bear enormous powers of deep thought, detailed analysis, novel insight. They care about the details that others can't be bothered to follow up. Under some circumstances they do well academically. If you are a high-scorer, you may well be a member of a thinking profession such as an academic or a writer.High Neuroticism scorers, then, have hidden advantages. The challenge for them is to find ways to deal with the negative sequels of their personality. Some people respond well to cognitivebehavioural therapy, some to meditation, many to exercise. Low-scorers, too, have disadvantages. You probably don't suffer much in life, which is good, but maybe you are not thoughtful enough. Maybe you let details go, and don't think deeply enough about future drawbacks or problems. Maybe you are too carefree or rose-spectacled to see every potentiality. Agreeableness Agreeableness is a dimension of empathy to wards others.High-scorers are often found in caring professions such as nursing and counselling.. They have larger-than-average social networks, and their relationships with others are harmonious. They don't get into fights and are generally slow to anger. By contrast, the very lowest-scorers are sociopaths; they callously use others for their own ends. So far so good. It is better to be well-liked than to be a sociopath. However, in many fields, high Agreeableness reduces occupational attainment. Nice guys really do finish last, and moreover, plenty of our leaders have something of the sociopath about them.Successful artists and executives, though, tend to be rather low in Agreeableness. This means that the high Agreeableness scorer may not be prepared to be hard-headed. You may stay in relationships that do you no good out of empathy for the others involved. Agreeableness is the most sexually-patterned of the Big Five, with – no prizes for guessing – women scoring mo re highly on average than men. This adds an interesting new perspective on the paucity of women in positions of power. Many of them find it difficult to be callous enough.Should we be encouraging them to be more callous, or trying to change what we reward? Openness Openness is a dimension of imagination. High-scorers make mental associations that go beyond what is given to the senses, or what is logically deducible. They are keen on poetry and the arts, and often have metaphysical or esoteric ideas. Nobody wants to be called unimaginative, but when you stop and think about it, it is not evident Nobody wants to be called unimaginative, but when you stop and think about it, it is not evident that being imaginative in this sense is necessarily useful in life.Low-scorers can be very intelligent and capable, though they will be oriented towards the practical and the soluble. High-scorers will be more able and willing to venture into the domains of the aesthetic. However, they can also de velop eccentric, paranormal or even delusional beliefs, and fail to solve simply resolvable practical problems. Neither a high nor a low score is inherently desirable; it is simple a matter of harnessing the strengths that you have. www. independent. co. uk ht:/w. needn. ou/essinepro tp/wwidpnetc. knw/cec/es nlt-htmksyutewyyuae426. tl aiywa-ae-o-h-a-o-r-069hm ht:/o. lfg tp/gog/fS

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Analysis of Female Characters in Shakespeare’s Othello

ANALYSIS OF FEMALE CHARACTERS IN OTHELLO In this paper I have tried to analyse the female characters of Shakespeare’s Othello in the light of Elizabethan Era, and status of women in 12th century, the age from which the character of Othello is taken. I have also discussed the status of woman in Christianity in Shakespearean times. The main purpose of this research article in the analyse the female characters of Othello that they were not different from the real life of Shakespearean times nor alien from the women of 12th Century.Othello a black Moor, a warrior, won many battles, becomes a victim of jealousy and conspiracy of Roderigo. Who hates Othello not due to racial prejudice but rather jealousy that Othello has won fair Desdemona (1-1) Shakespeare’s primary source for Othello was Un Capitano moro, (A Moorish Captain), one of the One hundred short stories in the collection. Gli Hecatommithi published by the Italian, Cinthio (web) (1566-Venice). Cinthio’s story provides the backbone for Shakespeare’s plot although he changed and introduced some minor characters e. ; Brabantio and Roderigo. In Cinthio’s episode Iago’s motive for revenge against Othello was that he loved Desdemona, who out rightly rejected his proposal. The tragedy of Othello takes place in Venice and Cypress, Iago uses Desdemona through Emilia and inflames a good man with jealousy. In the beginning of the play the seed of conflict are sown when Roderigo shouts in dark at Brabantio’s house, the news of Desdemona’s elopement that she: hath made a gross revolt, Tying her duty, beauty wit and fortunes.In an extravagant and wheeling stranger Of here and everywhere† Brabontio thinks that it was due to some black magic that was used by Othello, the black moor, we see that there are hints of hostility within the play about Othello’s Moorish origin and his differences in religion and culture when Othello relates his story of love befo re the Duke in the Venation Senate and he convinces all of them that he never used magic or drugs. Barbantio demands that Desdemona should testify, she affirms her duty to her father (I. iii) (179-180).Who gave her life and education, but asserts she has a higher duty than this to Othello, as he is her husband. My Noble Father I also perceive here a divided duty; To you I am bound for life and education; My life and education both do learn me How to respect you; your are the lord of duty; I am therefore your daughter; but here is my husband. (I. iii. 180-185) Desdemona is presented as a true Christian character possessing all the virtues of honourable woman. She respects her father, admits his love and vows to obey her husband. She suffers more than any other character of the play.Othello also loves Desdemona from his heart in the beginning and utters it as: But that I have the gentle Desdemona, I would not my unhoused free condition Put into circumscription and confine For the seaà ¢â‚¬â„¢s worth (I. ii. 25-28) The love of Othello is corrupted by Iago’s conspiracy and Othello is trapped in his jealousy inflamed by handkerchief plot. His loves turns him mad and he uses the weapon of violence against the fair Desdemona. His hate is so much for Desdemona that he says to Lodovico: Ay; you did wish that I would make her turns.Sir, she turns, and turns and yet go on, And turn again; and she can weep, sir, weep; And she is obedient, as you say obedient, Very obedient. (IV. iii 252-257) Thus Othello implies that Desdemona is available to Lodovico or to any one else, also, because she is as obedient that she can obey any one. What is the significance of handkerchief of Othello? In Othello there are two accounts of handkerchief, in the first Othello warms Desdemona that his handkerchief is love charm with â€Å"magic in the web† given to his mother by an Egyptian.In the record account Othello tells Grantiano it was â€Å"an antique token/ My father gave m y father†. Othello’s two different versions make readers/audience baffle that which one is true. The fatal handkerchief is very important in the play (Andrews) In the beginning in of the play Desdemona is shown as an adventurous spirit when her husband Othello is called for military duty in Cypress, she begs to go with him and cannot think of remaining alone at home without her husband. Even Othello woos Desdemona by telling adventurous stories of actions and danger.She heard all these tales with â€Å"Greedy ears† Desdemona wishes that â€Å"The leavens had made her a man like Othello† (I. iii) Desdemona is very expressive about her love for Othello she is bold and beautiful in expressing her love for Othello even before her father and the duke and she also openly announces that she will go to Cypress, which shows that she was pretty frank about her sexual desire for her husband. Desdemona suffers much more than any other character of the play. She is a g ood natured young and beautiful lady ,and possesses all good qualities and Christian virtues.Then why she suffers so much? Shakespearean conveys the possibility that God’s deeds in the play, a work that prompts playgoers to believe that she deserves happiness (her taking Cassio’s case as her own), directly leads to her death† (Hunt 2004). The character of Desdemona is that if an â€Å"ideal wife† as Carroll Camden calls her in Iago on woman (2004). In Othello Desdemona disobeying her, back chatting with Iago (II. i), lying Othello of her death (V. ii), admiring Lodovico as a â€Å"Proper Man† (IV. I) and pressing Cassio’s suit to Othello.It is important to note that several critics cite Desdemona for violating Elizabethan or Jacobean law and propriety by denying her father and running off with the Moor (Kolin). Desdemona is one the most beautiful heroines of Shakespeare, when Brabantio arrives to confront Othello, he says that if it is imposs ible that â€Å"a maid so tender, fair and happy† (I. ii 66). Would ever love a scary black man like Othello. Cassio describes her beauty â€Å"That paragon description and wild fame† (II. i), here he means to say that Desdemona is more beautiful than ny possible description of her beauty, more beautiful than the wildest story of any woman’s beauty. She is indeed the â€Å"most fresh and delicate creature† (II-iii-19). When Othello saw his handkerchief is Cassio’s hand, Iago encourages Othello’s murderous mood by reminding him that Cassio gave the precious handkerchief to his whore, Bianca. Iago continues to subtly increase Othello’s fury through his use of sexual innuendo as he tells Othello that â€Å"Cassio has the handkerchief and implies that he has confessed to sleeping with Desdemona† (Bate & Rasmussen 2009).Othello was still uncertain; his disjointed language shows the breakdown of his self-control (IV-i). He falls down unconscious as Cassio arrives and Iago tells him that Othello has epilepsy, warning that he breaks into savage madness if woken from fit. It is interesting to note in Othello, Shakespeare uses female characters through Iago for the downfall of Othello. The conspiracies are woven with the help of women. All the three woman characters of Othello and theare used against Othello. It is true that Othello is all male- world- play of Shakespeare.Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca are rejected by their male partners and all three love their men unselfishly, even when confronted by behavior that we would deem grounds for divorce at the very last. All the women are engaged to unequal partnerships. They feel more for their self-centered men than the men are capable for reciprocating. However, the women also display genuine emotions toward each other that is not reflected in any of the male characters. Besides Desdemona, Emilia is an important character, she is elder and cynical than Desdemona. She develops a close relationship with the young married Desdemona.They form a bond of relationship over husband trouble. It is interesting to note that Emilia’s one dishonest act towards Desdemona is the stealing of handkerchief, she did not know the plot of Iago, her act of stealing turns out to have devastating consequences. (IV ) Unfortunately Emilia’s little theft ends up causing her friend’s death. Emilia realizes the importance of handkerchief and when she discovers about Iago’s evil plot against Othello and she relives the truth. She washes the bad name of Desdemona. She also sacrifices her own life so that Desdemona won’t be remembered as a whore.Iago and Emilia are married but their relationship is not based on mutual understanding. Iago always talks trash about woman in general. Emilia is eager to please him. She steals Desdemona’s handkerchief in order to please Iago. â€Å"I nothing but to please his fantasy† (III-iiii). She tries to gratify Iago’s thirst for power and wishes without involving into any evil designs which are in Iago’s mind: who would not make her husband A cockold to make him a monarch? I should venture purgatory for. (IV-iii) Like Desdemona, Emilia craves for affection. She is very submissive like Desdemona and Bianca.It was common in the Elizabethan woman to be submissive and devoted to male figures whether father or husband. Emilia’s bitterness boils over in the final scene during which she says that husbands are usually to blame when their wives cheat on them. After all, men cheat on woman all the time. Why shouldn’t woman have an equal right to infidelity? Although, Shakespeare wrote Othello in the early 1600’s. Emilia’s monologue is about as close as we find in later feminist manifesto. Third female character is that of Bianca, a Venatian courtier, who is in love with Cassio.Cassio always uses her as a laughable nuisance. Bianca’s c haracter is very sympathetic and Cassio uses her for his sexual needs and treats her like a garbage. why is she presented as a prostitute in the play? when there are only three woman characters. Actually Venice was famous for prostitution and promiscuity. She is a foil to the chaste and ever fatithful Desdemona. But hardhearted soldier in Othello does not recognize the difference between these women. He is easily cheated by ‘gentle’ Iago that Desdemona is having extra-marital sex with Cassio.It is also very interesting that all three woman, Desdemona Emilia and Bianca, are accused at some point or another of being promiscuous Each one of these women are rejected by their male partners. It was an error of judgment on the part of Othello that he was not able to understated Iago’s plot to ruin Othello. The woman, especially Desdemona, suffers most in the play. Emilia and Bianca also suffer, and Othello takes revenge and kills Iago when he comes to know about the rea lity. The play ends with a great loss, the death of Desdemona is the most tragic one, because she was the â€Å"the sweetest innocent/that ever did lift up eye†. V-ii). In the fits of jealousy Othello was blind to all love and affections of a human being, he acts like a beast when he says: O, she was foul! I scarce did know your, uncle; there lies your niece. Whose breath indeed, these hands have newly stopped. I know this act shows horrible and given(5) Iago stabs Emilia and when Othello was told the truth of handkerchief and Iago’s plot by dying Emilia. Who announces the innocence of Desdemona to Othello: Moor, she was chaste; she loved three cruel Moor; So come my soul to bliss, as I speak true; So speaking as I think, I die, I die. (Dies)Othello was almost mad after knowing the truth, he comes to know that his wife was innocent, when Gratiano enters into the bedchamber he requests him: O cursed, cursed salve! Whip me, ye devils From the possession of this heavenly sight! Blow me about in words! Roast me in sulpher! Wash me in steep-down gulfs of liquid fire! O Desdemona! Dead, Desdemona! Dead! O! ( V-II) The agony and remorse of killing was felt at heart by poor Othello, he stabs himself and gives a proof to world that never allow jealousy over come reason and also washes all the stains from the name of beautiful Desdemona. Othello utters his last words: I kissed thee ere I killed thee: No way but this (falling upon Desdemona) Killing myself, to die upon a kiss. (Dies) ( V-ii) Lodovico, a kinsman to Brabantio, asks Gratiano, Brother to Brabantio. â€Å"Myself will straight aboard; and to the state This heavy act with heavy heart relate† (V- ii) References .Andrews, M. C. (2004). Honest Othello: The Handkerchief once More. Studies in English Literature. camden, C. (n. d. ). Iago on women. Hunt, M. (2004). Shakespeare's Religious Allusiveness. ashgate. Kolin, P. C. (n. d. ). Othello:new critical essays. Rasmussem, J. B. (2009). William s hakespeare. Palgrave Macmillan.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Online Customer Engagement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Online Customer Engagement - Essay Example This can also be referred to the social phenomenon facilitated by the extensive implementation of the internet in the late 1990s and captivating off by means of the procedural improvements in link speed (broadband) in the decade that trailed. Online Customer commitment is qualitatively dissimilar commencing the engagement of consumers' offline. This particular project will be of help as it will allow the organizations to counter react to the elementary changes in the clients' behaviors that the internet has brought forth. It will also avail the solution to the high level of the incompetence of the custom break off and replicate, broadcast model of promoting (George 1990, pg20). With this report, it will also provide the readers with the knowledge about the consumers' behaviors so as to enable them to know how to deal with their clients in order to be able to provide them with the appropriate products and services that they do need. From the other researchers, it has been proven that, the relationship of an organization with their clients during marketing affects their way of behavior. This can also be said that, customer engagement is directly proportional to the customer behaviors as well as the relationship marketing. This is so because, with consumer engagement, it commits the clients and thus able to evaluate their behaviors. 2.0 RESEARCH QUESTIONS For this project to be termed to be successful, it has to fulfil some of the requirements. Thus it will be required to answer some questions such as; 1. What are some of the consumer behaviour that is related to the online consumer engagement 2. How do the online consumer engagement relate to the marketing strategy used by an organisation 3. Why do the managers of the organisations have a preference on the online consumer engagement as compared to the offline one 4. Which relationship does consumer behaviour have with the marketing strategy of the organisation 5. What are the significance of the consumer engagement 3.0 OBJECTIVES: The project will be focused on some of the aspects so as to be able to attain its objectives. These objectives will be attained through the questions that have to be answered at the end of the project. These will include: 1. To know some of the consumer behaviours that are related to the online consumer engagement 2. To institute the association connecting the marketing strategies and the online consumer engagement. 3. To establish the advantages of the online consumer engagement compared to the offline consumer engagement. 4. To establish the relationship between consumer behaviour and marketing strategy in any given organisation. 5. The importance of the consumer engagement. 4.0 METHOD: This will entail the way and the techniques that will be used in the research and the way in which the data will be collected so as to get the accurate report for the research project. This will comprise of 4.1 RESEARCH DESIGN This is a qualitative research. This is because it entails the use of the purposive selection of the sample size and it is also based on the targeted population in the community which will comprise of the digital marketing community. To be able to get the information from the organisation, they will have to answer a number of questionnaires. The questionnaire will be as follows; Questionnaire Instruction To be filled

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Antibiotic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Antibiotic - Essay Example Bacteria are microorganisms present in many water and soil habitats. These microorganisms are diverse in terms of shape, size and ability to cause infections. While many of bacteria species are non-infective, some strains cause infectious diseases including respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis, cholera, anthrax and many others. Antibiotics are increasingly being used in agriculture to prevent and treat bacterial infections in livestock. Antibiotic agents are also being used in livestock feeds and water to prevent and control bacterial infections. This therefore suggests that different types of antibiotics are being given to healthy livestock. These drugs accumulate in the body, creating antibiotic residue that is eventually eliminated from the system if the drugs are discontinued. However, the increased use of antibiotics in livestock has raised concerns about growing bacterial resistance against these drugs. Current efforts in agriculture focus on producing healthier livestock. This trend has led to increased use of antibiotics to promote growth, fight infections and compensate for unsanitary rearing conditions. However, the accumulation of antibiotics in food animals (antibiotic residual) poses significant risk to humans. For instance, antibiotic overuse in livestock as been associated with increased antibiotic drug resistance in humans. This leads to high levels of the drug in the system of these animals. High concentrations of the drugs kill most of the bacterial strains in these animals, especially the strains that are sensitive to the particular drugs or drug combinations. However, the sustained exposure of bacteria to antibiotics leads to the selection of bacterial strains that have the capacity to withstand high drug levels. These bacterial strains develop resistance to the drug and their relative population exceeds that of the sensitive bacterial species. This is especially

International business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

International business - Assignment Example This project covers all aspects of producing green cars. Starting with research, production of green cars and production of batteries the government wants to produce a network of battery charging stations throughout France. The government plans to provide 900 million Euros of the total investment announced in the form of state loans. By 2030 the green fuel car sector in France is projected to hold 27% of the market share and will be worth 15 billion Euros as per the ecology ministry projections (Boehm 2009). Thus, looking at these ambitious plans of the French government, France is the best country to collaborate with for hybrid car technology. China and France are completely opposite to each other as far as the cultural and institutional aspects are concerned. This difference is reflected in their management style also. Starting with the demographics, the population of China is more than 1.3 billion while that of France is around 63 million. Because of high population the Chinese government has made laws to restrict the growth and also generate a population which is hardworking and devoted. Thus, all people in China voluntarily seek for employment as unemployment is seen as a social stigma. In contrast to this, French people enjoy the social security provided by their government. Hence, they are more secure as far as unemployment benefits are concerned. This reflects in their way of working as they are not always driven by the need to keep their jobs. The basic difference between the two countries lies in their government set up. China is a socialist republic while France is a capitalist and democratic country. If we look at their religious and social setup, we can see that Chinese people are more religion oriented and also believe in taking care of old. Because of the vastness of population, there are many religions in China. The old generation of China is the responsibility of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Fashion trend, Prints for Aged Women Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fashion trend, Prints for Aged Women - Article Example The paper "Fashion trend, Prints for Aged Women" talks about the trend in fashion, Prints for Aged Women. Women’s contemporary attire styles are more varied and compliant to individual preferences than ever and no more does a tapered group of designers state how to wear. Though the aged women may not have a model’s svelte body, there is a wide selection of fashion fits that can suit them. Though aged women face the difficulty of finding obsequious fashion style, they have more money to spend in clothing. For this reason, they are left with few choices to make in fashion. Prints fashion trend is versatile and can easily be included into daily wardrobe. This fashion trend has been modified to be age apposite and stylish. A fashion garment possesses various attributes that can be manipulated to reflect changing fashions. These attributes include color, fabric, print, silhouette, and trim. In the recent past, a fashion garment would sell, all things equal, if it were the ap propriate color. Now it is not important to have the right shade. Prints fashion trend has a variety of clothing that comes in different colors. An aged woman has a changed complexion and the colours that seemed useless in the early years could become the colors to choose. Prints fashion trend comes with softer colors; pale pink and blue, burgundy rich fabrics such as, crimson, grape and navy. Prints fashion trend adds some much needed color in the wardrobe. In addition, prints fashion clothes comes in orange color.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Case analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Case analysis - Essay Example Thus, Yurukova has a responsibility to come up with a brilliant strategy that can be implemented in order to improve the fundraising process. At the moment, Trinity University mainly relied on using telefundraising channels. This is a marketing approach that uses telephone to reach different people in different parts of the country. The targeted people are mainly graduates from Trinity University. Mariya is contemplating segmenting the targeted donors by using different strategies in order to make generate as much money as possible. One of the segmentation methods is to target the people by either alumni or by graduation year. The other strategy used to segment the targeted people is by using their faculties. It has also been envisaged that the targeted people can also be segmented on the basis of extracurricular activity as well as Trinity University involvement. The other marketing strategy used is direct marketing and this involves face to face interaction with the targeted people. The marketing mix approach (price, place, product and promotion) of the university involves different strategies. The price for conducting clients using direct mail is pegged at $0.88 while the price of doing the same using telefundraising is estimated to be $5.60. The product involves donations made by the targeted people to the university. The place for this activity is centralised since it is coordinated from the institution while targeting people from different places across the country. As part of its promotion strategy, the university is also contemplating to use direct mailing strategy where direct mails are sent to the people found in the institution’s database. The other promotion strategies include online giving and telefundraising. The real issue is finding and training quality telefundraisers. At the moment, the university is relying on a single individual alone. This initiative requires the the efforts of many

Thursday, July 25, 2019

System proposal assingment 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

System proposal assingment 3 - Assignment Example diagrams. The current Unirec system is a manual system where forms are given to customers to fill their health records and registration forms. Working hours for trainers are manually recorded, the same way as payments. The fittness protocols are written on a paper and the company does not keep personal records of customers. All these are problems which can be captured by the new system that is to be implemented. The new system will do away with unnecessary and excess paper work. It will also give room for expansion by accommodating more data that does not require much physical space for storage. The logical data flow diagrams of the current and new system are shown below An alternative system to this one would be a UniRec fitness management system that has a website where gym information is always available for everyone and people can register for membership online. Members would be able to access the gym staff from wherever they are saving on time and reducing chances of overcrowding and queues at the gym location. Another alternative system would be a gym management system that provides online gym sessions through YouTube videos. These videos are made by the gym instructors and people pay to access the videos remotely. The payments and membership registration details could be stored on a physical or virtual server. In both systems, customers would upload their medical records online, the records get approved by fitness consultants, then the client gets a go-ahead to sign up for training sessions. No paper work would be needed whatsoever. The customers, consultants, fitness trainers and the manager would each have their accounts from which they all see data that is relevant to them. The manager would however be able to see all the data in the system by simply querying the database. The database could be stored in a computer in the gym or on a virtual server over the internet, from which storage space is paid for. The new system will

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Self-evaluation Global climate changes are manmade Essay

Self-evaluation Global climate changes are manmade - Essay Example Therefore, this argument is not valid. How I would make this argument valid would be to cite more broad-based examples of extreme weather pattern which are linked to human activities. In this case, the case of the Texas farmers who have experienced extreme weather events is too narrow of an example, because the extreme weather events experienced by the Texas farmers could be due to any number of causes(Crook, 1999). Presenting examples which are broader based, more tied to the issue of global warming, and are less likely to have any number of causes for these observed phenomenon, would be a better way of illustrating this point. Conclusion #2 – that the industrial revolution influenced the world in significant ways. First of all, this conclusion is poorly written, because, as written, this conclusion does not support the overall argument of the paper, which is that human beings are responsible for internal and external changes in weather. A better way of writing this conclusion so that it is more supportive of the overall argument would be to write the following: â€Å"The emergence of the industrial revolution, in the 19th Century, accelerated the global warming process in different ways.† As for the premises to support the conclusion – one of the premises is that the industrial activities, such as the burning of fossile fuel and coal, and the utilization of natural gas and oil, led to large emissions of toxic gases into the atmosphere. This particular premise is sound, because it links the activities in the industrial revolution directly with the conclusion that the industrial revolution contributes to greenhouse gases. However, the next argument, that the energy sector contributes to 20 percent of methane and 75 percent of carbon dioxide emissions, does not support the conclusion. The conclusion relates specifically to the industrial revolution, which is a specific period of time. The above

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Introduction quiz Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Introduction quiz - Assignment Example According to Bouvier, Craig & Gossman (1994), the RÃ ¼tlischwur was a solemn oath taken by the cantons ancestors in the year 1291 while at the Riitli. The oath was meant to task the ancestors with the role of controlling law and justice in the area. The physical location of Switzerland made Switzerland confederation to receive a lot of external pressure from the neighboring states. This, together with politics of the region resulted to enhanced mandate of the confederation to be the highest body for internal and external interventions (Bouvier, Craig & Gossman, 1994). True. According to Bouvier, Craig & Gossman (1994), the collaborative interest of the three cities to protect their autonomy from external forces and to secure its people provides that the sovereignty lies in the autonomy. This is made possible by flexible constitutions that allows for easy amendments. True. Switzerland was created with the need for each canton to maintain its autonomy, and preserve its culture. The culture of all the cities thus plays a major role in contributing to the overall culture of Switzerland (Bouvier, Craig & Gossman, 1994). True. The 16th century reformation of the three cities continues to shape the culture of Switzerland. However, the flexibility of Switzerland’s constitution allows for adjustments and changes (Bouvier, Craig & Gossman, 1994). Calvin expelled religious leaders and teachers who encouraged wrongdoing by claiming that wrongdoing committed unwillingly it cannot be considered a sin. This made people to be more cautious with their behavior. He also trained people on the importance of political responsibility (Bouvier, Craig & Gossman, 1994). Henry Dunant’s strategy to have leaders involved in community activities meant to minimize human suffering was similar to Calvin’s quest to protect the people from political interference by ensuring that politicians take responsibility (Bouvier, Craig &

Monday, July 22, 2019

Zora Neale Hurston and Her Contributions Essay Example for Free

Zora Neale Hurston and Her Contributions Essay As stated earlier, among the many prominent African American writers that proliferated during the Harlem Renaissance is Zora Neale Hurtson. Her autobiography tells us that it was her mother that urges her to â€Å"jump at de sun, we might not land on the sun but at least we could get off the ground†. On one hand, her father would brainwash her that it won’t do any good for a Negro to have a high spirit for the whites can’t just stand it. Her father even anticipated that Zora’s going to get hanged before she grows old. Her father maybe depicted as passive participant in the Black’s struggle for social liberation. However, it is claimed that he was just inculcating the idea of Southern Survival in his children (Hemenway 14). As a child, she lived a comfortable life at least when her mother was still alive. Her childhood was a relatively peaceful, calm, and wealthy life in a non-racist black community of Eatonville. It was the first all-black American community that was self-governed. It is a community where traditional black American culture survived and flourished. See more: Mark Twains humorous satire in running for governor essay It was said that Eatonville did not prepare Hurtson of the racist America and it was only when she transferred to Jacksonville that she realized there was a thing called racism (Witcover 27). Upon the death of her mother she was sent to Florida to go to school with a brother and a sister, Jacksonville is the very place that she learned that she was â€Å"colored. † When she was no longer supported by her father, she resorted in accepting different jobs such as a maid for the whites and a receptionist among others. Moreover, she worked as a waitress and attended school at Morgan Academy. Later on, she attended Howard Prep to prepare herself for the best university for the blacks in the United States. She continued to read voraciously during these times of her life. Finally, she published her first story in the literary magazine of the school entitled â€Å"John Redding Goes to Sea†. She was discovered by Charles Spurgeon Johnson to write in the Opportunity Magazine. She agreed and submitted her short stories namely â€Å"Drenched in Light†, â€Å"Spunk†, and a play entitled â€Å"Color Struck†. Johnson saw the potential and power in her works that he invited her to go to come to New York and â€Å"make a name for herself (Campbell 2-3). † Opportunity was a major voice in the Harlem Renaissance and her contributions were highly sought by the publishers (Witcover 16). Upon arriving in New York, the Harlem Renaissance is its full swing. in Harlem, there were a number of promising writers, painters, sculptors, musicians, and politicians that are engaged in activities that aimed for the liberation of African Americans against the white supremacy. These activities have been considered as â€Å"unrivaled† in the history of the United States. Among these writers are Hurston, Hughes, Cullen, Mckay. While they are not the first Black American writers that made its way to American literature, they were the first ones â€Å"to be conscious of themselves as black writers who believed that the bridge between the white and the black races depended upon the arts†. Because of their great pride in their black heritage, they established traditions that were followed by other prominent subsequent African American writers in the United States such as Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, and James Baldwin (Campbell 3). Her writings are obviously chronicles of the black life, most specifically the lives of the working and the lower-class people in the rural South in the United States. Her works stand along the vast and rich documentary sources of the black experiences from labor to culture. However, what’s unique with Hurtson’s literary contributions is that unlike her detractor’s way of portraying the blacks which view them vis-a-vis the whites, Hurtson’s style involves the portrayal of the blacks â€Å"in their own terms. † While oppression against the black is palpable during that era and is one of the favorite themes written by most African American writers, Hurtson chose to do away from oppression. She chose to represent and portray what and the blacks are doing and not what is done to them by their oppressors and tormentors. Her style zoomed in to the very nature of black life and examined them as black people that are capable of asserting their identities. Furthermore, her style allowed her to dissect every bit and parcel of the inner world of the African American life which aimed for one and only important thing: self-determination among the blacks (Plant 43). Hurtson depicted the beauty of the black culture by incorporating the experiences of the black people that were considered the underbelly of the black life. She manipulated the white patronage of Harlem Renaissance to her advantage. She is being criticized by her male contemporaries as being primitive in her portrayal of the American life for she has adhered to the stereotypes of black people that the Whites propagated. However, Hurtson also highlighted her criticism towards these perceived conception of the Whites towards the Blacks for she believed that they are incapable of becoming a custodian of the black culture. Moreover, apart from being a place of racial discrimination, Hurtson regarded the South as a place of â€Å"cultural creativity, family, and religion, where everyday life was lived with integrity in the midst of struggle against racial oppression (Patterson 10). † She believes in the experiences of the Southern Blacks as a rich subject in the arts and literature. Each Negro has the right to self-identity despite racist ideologies. This can be done by exploring the complex culture of Southern black towns, and discuss the every day life of black workers, black wives, and black children. Her emphasis on the experiences of the Southern blacks makes her portrayal of the African-American life even more real (Patterson 12-13). Eatonville is the most important geographic landmark in most of her short stories and novels. It was the town where she grew up and her father serving as a mayor. As a child, she grew up hearing stories in the porch of Joe Clarke’s, both the porch and the stories are retold by Hurtson in her fiction (Campbell 15). When it comes to the characters of her short stories and novels, they â€Å"are not only heroic, often fighting great odds, but they also demonstrate growth. [†¦] Hurtson’s protagonists are always in a state of becoming. They became capable of looking inside themselves in order to discover thei place in the world around them. Often they struggle against what they should become (Campbell 14). † For instance, â€Å"Sweat† is a story of a typical Negro life in Eatonville as many of her stories setting. It chronicles the experiences of Delia and her marriage to her husband Sykes. Their married life has always been in a downhill. At the onset, Delia has always been tortured and abused by Sykes. Secondly, Sykes has been seeing other women and has been maintaining a concubine. While it was Delia who sweated and earned for their survival, Sykes was still very ungrateful. He even plotted to kill her and get rid of her so he can live in her house with her concubine. In the end, he failed and Delia was able to take avenged against his abuses and tortures. On a deeper level, it romanticizes the theme of male domination over women and the feminine power that transcends all kinds of struggles. It highlights the strength of a woman through Delia’s ability to support herself and her husband despite his infidelity and brutality against her. This is just a mundane story of the Negros in a black community. It doesn’t in any way talk about oppression done by the whites. It just talks about two characters that are authentic in themselves that can stand as an embodiment of a typical Negro life. This is Hurtson’s way of asserting the African-American identity beyond any comparison and approximation of the superiority of the Whites. This is Hurtson’s way inculcating self-determination among the African-Americans who for a long time thought of themselves as subordinate to the Whites and the Europeans. By celebrating their experiences as unique, the blacks were able to believe in the beauty of their heritage and to find joy in their identities. Apart from being a black writer that is obviously aware of the African American’s sensibilities regarding black oppression and subordination, she is also an anthropologist. As Hemenway noted, Anthropology is an advantage for Zora for her to understand her deeper cultural roots. Her experiences of African American life plus her great understanding of the nature of their traditions and practices made her portrayal of the black experiences more poignant and authentic. In a particular instance, she understood the â€Å"richness and mutilayered meanings of the oral tradition† and â€Å"the creativity and imagination of black language and story telling (Campbell 4). † As a student of Franz Boa, Hurtson learned to appreciate and see the cultural wealth and legacy of her community more fully. By her skill, knowledge, and understanding of the nuances of African American, she strived to prove that the native Black Americans experiences and arts has both genius and authenticity that is traceable to the Africans and not the Westerns. Her fieldworks armed her with all the needed knowledge to prove to the Whites and the elitist Black Americans that their deeply-rooted culture is beyond to what the Whites has imposed on the Blacks (Plant 41). Her writings are best known as folklorism. In this style of writing, one exhibits the peculiarities of their cultures and traditions (Grinker 390). In her stories, Hurtson incorporates myths, legends, customs, practices and allegories that are uniquely and authentically African-Americans regardless of the Western’s criticism of their practices as backward. It is Hurston’s way of asserting Black’s way of life in its purest form. Apart from being a brilliant writer and chronicler of the Black’s experiences, Hurtson’s writings are also concern with the struggle of women in their search for emancipation against the issues of gender and race. She acknowledged the violence that is present among the lives of African American women but at the same time she criticizes the male domination that caused this violence. This was a â€Å"bold position† during those times where only a few writers like Hurtson can do among many other African – American writers (Patterson 8). She obstructed the perceived notion of women as oppressed and helpless as commonly portrayed in American Literature. She is known for her depiction of nonstereotypical black women such as rendering them as strong and courageous. As seen in the abovementioned example, Delia was the victor from the beginning up to the end. While she is being tortured and beaten up by her husband, she survived. While she is being emotionally battered by her husband, she endured. While she is being threatened to death by her husband, she avenged herself. Another example would be Janie in Their Eyes Are Watching God is one of the earliest American women â€Å"to develop cultural and personal identity (Champion 166). † However, this feminist stance of Hurtson was not immediately recognized during the period. Her intellectual ideologies have been given little attention at the time for the reason that there was still a palpable exclusion of Black women’s thoughts in the intellectual discourse of that era (Plant 2). She has been criticized by Richard Wright as having no interest in serious fiction. He said that Hurtson just continued to propagate the tradition that was forced upon the Negroes in her stories and novels which makes the Whites laugh. Wright wrote about blacks that resist the supremacy of the Whites but then Hurtson is the opposite. She wrote about the nakedness of the Blacks in such a beautiful manner and in such a colourful manner. The Black people’s nakedness, according to her, is not something that should be suppressed and forgotten. She believes that it should be accepted as part of the frontier spirit that defines each African American in a black community (Patterson 33-34). Her â€Å"ultimate moral stance is not only to absolve whites, past and present, of any wrong doing, but also to claim some value in the experience of enslavement†. She emphasized the fact that despite â€Å"the cruelty and moral wrong of slavery†, the Blacks still maintain a materially, intellectually, morally, and religiously strong and hopeful condition. Her writings do not dwell in the cruelties of the past and the cruelties of slavery and enslavement among the Blacks, she focused in the present, and celebrated the character that the Blacks developed and adopt in the course of the oppression. She wrote on how their lives have become after the enslavement and how they have maintained their culture in tact and unique among any other nation. She created some distance in the past that made a room in the understanding of the present. Too much contemplation in the past is a hindrance to the Black’s Present endeavours. The idea is to â€Å"settle for from now on (Plant 41). † Hurtson was able to â€Å"resist and subvert cultural hegemony because of a powerful worldview†. This is traceable to her individualistic worldview Washington’s theory of self-help, industry, and personal responsibility; her anthropological study under Franz Boas and Ruth Benedict among many others. All these contribute to an unwavering philosophy of individualism that help her survive the palpable racism bombarded towards the Blacks. These are also the contributing factors that developed her strength and will to resist negative controlling images and overcome Anglo-American hegemony. Her individualistic stance enabled her to engender an autonomous self that is necessary in the negotiation of hostilities in the community that she lived in along with all other African-Americans in the United States (Plant 4) Her philosophy of individualism is deeply rooted from the African-American folk ethos as a â€Å"fundamental site of resistance. † She understood the importance of the African American culture’s role in the emancipation of the African American people as an individual and as a community. She emphasized the idea of cultural survival as an important ingredient liberation and cultural appreciation as an important process in decolonization among the African Americans. She believed that the answer towards liberation lies in the African American culture and traditions themselves. To reclaim the Black life is to resist the Anglo-American domination and this can only be done by romanticizing the importance self-definition and self-emancipation among the Blacks (Plant 4).

Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Essay Example for Free

Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Essay With the discovery of DNA and unravelling the genetic code it contains, molecular biologists have finally come close to understanding what determines the form and function of organisms and can use this to design organisms at will. This is illustrated by the experiments on the transgenic fruit fly which has eyes on its antennae (Walter Gehring, Basel Biocentre, Switzerland. see the year 1994 in ). This new technology will have more benefits for human existence than all the past technologies put together. |Scientists are no closer to understanding what determines the form and function of a living organism than they were a century ago before the term gene was coined. As Craig Venter, a leader in the Human Genome Project put it: We know shit about biology. Scientists have tended to concentrate on physical causality genes determine form and function but they are looking in the wrong place. Genes and their proper expression as structural, regulatory or enzymic proteins are merely one of the necessary conditions for the idea underlying an organism to manifest. The essence of the organism is its entelechy or telos. Other necessary conditions for an organism to manifest include nutrient, water, warmth, light and many other factors to do with the earth as a planet in a cosmos. The optimistic predictions of the molecular biologists and genetic engineers is reminiscent of those offered by the early proponents of nuclear power. In the 1950s, electricity was forecast to become too cheap to make it worth metering, but the reality is that society is left with a legacy of nuclear waste the cost of dealing with which will place an immeasurable burden on future generations.| Ever since agriculture and the domestication of animals and plants began, man has been modifying their genetic make-up by selective breeding (e.g. broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage came from a single species of mustard). |Traditional breeding involves gene exchange in the proper context within which they function with all the checks and balances of the biological processes of the organism itself and of the organisms normal interaction with its environment. GE is out of context. GMOs often behave very differently when taken from the laboratory, greenhouse or field trial situation into the real-life context where they will be used, e.g. a gene for red flowers was inserted into a white petunia. The petunia turned red but also produced more leaves and shoots, had lower fertility and was more resistant to fungi. None of these additional effects was predicted. Over 90% of transgenic plants are discarded during the development process, most even before the plants leave the laboratory. The reason for so many rejects is because they do not express the desired gene or they are made unhealthy by the genetic engineering. | Ever since man began to ferment fruit and milk products thousands of years ago, he has been using biotechnology.|Traditional biotechnology uses natural organisms in contexts to which they are adapted whereas GE creates completely new genetic make-ups that could never have come about by natural processes.| All attempts to define what species barriers are have so far had various shortcomings. The genomes of many organisms can be shown to contain gene sequences from totally unrelated organisms which might commonly be assumed to be on the other side of a species barrier (e.g. the marine r sequence in the fruit fly Drosophila, is also in humans). Mules (horse x donkey) have long since existed, but nobody is complaining and the technique of grafting different plants/trees onto each other is ancient.|GE crosses species barriers. Crosses are made which would never occur in nature.| All technology is unnatural (unless we hold that man and all his creations are part of the totality of nature). (see Shakespeare, A Winters Tale, IV:III:82-103)|GE is unnatural. | We have consciously interfered with evolution through breeding, habitat management and even selection of our own spouses for millennia without any noticeable dire consequences.|Scrambling genomes will lead to total chaos in evolution.| And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. (Genesis 1:26)Human beings are themselves part of nature, creatures within creation. Human discovery and invention can be thought of as resulting from the exercise of God-given powers of mind and reason. (Church of England Board)|Biotechnologists are playing God.| GE is a very precise way of introducing desirable traits into economically useful organisms. The techniques are improving all the time and it is increasingly possible to insert genes at a precise locus in the host organisms genome. This is calle d gene targeting.|GE disrupts the integrity of the recipient genome with unpredictable side effects including gene silencing both of the inserted gene and other unrelated genes in the organism. GE cannot readily control the number of copies of the gene that are inserted into the host, nor where in the genome they will end up. Inserted genes can disrupt the function of existing genes in ways, which may not show up until later generations.| GE often, but not always, needs to use bacteria, viruses or plasmids as vectors to shuttle the genes of interest into the target organisms. Having the parts of their genomes removed that would make them infective cripples these vectors. As the technology improves it becomes less necessary to use infective agents as vectors.|GE makes use of pathogenic organisms such as viruses and bacteria as vectors of the gene that is being transferred. In other words, the target organism has to be made ill just to get the gene in, sometimes with tragic consequences. The pathogens can kill the target organism or could spread into the environment with unpredictable and dangerous consequences. Even crippled vectors can recombine DNA and therefore genes with their normal counterparts in their surroundings and thus suddenly and unpredictably become infective. | Molecular biologists acknowledge that they are only modifying one aspect of an organisms totality. However, they examine the organisms produced in detail, sometimes taking them through breeding programs for years to be sure that they are behaving in the way that other normal members of the same species behave which have not had the genetic modification. |The reductionist thinking of genetic determinism, which believes that the genetic make-up is what makes the organism what it is, dominates GE. An organism is as much an expression of its environment as it is of its genes. Concentrating on the genes, therefore, is one-sided. Furthermore, the organisation within a cell and its interaction with o ther cells is also inherited along with the genes. An organism is as dependent for its survival as much on these epigenetic factors as on its genome. | The fact that horizontal gene transfer occurs all the time in nature, (e.g. the constant exchange of genetic information between bacteria, viruses etc, or the rarer jumps of genes such as may have contributed to the ubiquity of the mariner sequence listed above) and has caused no problems, can be taken as evidence that it poses no serious danger.|GE exposes people to the increased dangers of horizontal gene transfer, a process whereby genes are passed not vertically down the generations in the usual way but horizontally from organism to organism and from species to species. | Enzymes can be produced from GM microorganisms for use in industrial processes including food manufacture.|Industrial enzymes used in anything from washing powders to food processing are already a major source of allergies.| GE does involve some risk taking but all procedures are subject to strict risk analysis and monitoring. The risk is therefore minimal. No popular technology is without risk, e.g. the motorcar that kills tens of thousands each year.|GE is potentially dangerous and therefore involves taking risks. The consequences could be devastating and irreversible. Furthermore, the adverse consequences could take years to show and the company liable for any damages may have long since ceased trading.|

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility In Society Media Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility In Society Media Essay Corporate social responsibility is like; What you are giving back to the society? Any company or organization forms up in a society. The company interacts with the society and utilizes its resources and opportunities to gain benefits and profits. As a law of nature, its always Give and Take. You take something, then in return you have to return something as well. Corporate social responsibility dictates the company to do so. COROPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY binds the company to conduct the business in an ethical manner keeping in mind the interests of the majority of the community. It also urges the company to respond positively towards the evolving social concerns and their expectations from the company. COROPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY is more of a legal obligation; it goes for the ethical part. No doubt the company is there to get maximum profit for the shareholders, but there are other stakeholders, on which the company has direct impact like employees, consumers, suppliers etc a nd company needs to take account of their interests as well. COROPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY formulates the balance between the interest of the shareholder as well as the stakeholders. COROPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ensures that the company acts like a good and ethical citizen in the community. The most progressive companies have a social or ethical binding that they must atleast return something back to the society; afterall this is how a good business is being carried out. The companies following COROPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY have a basic theme of making this world a better place to live!Companies like Google, Intel, Disney, Exxon etc tend to go for more and more charitable as well as sponsored programs in order to promote the help in the social causes of the country or world. It is something more than getting profit in green bucks. Its more than that. Its about building a reputation and a good will among the general public and the society. If this reputation goes a bit down , it has a very negative impact on the company. The example goes on the Exxons Oil tanker spillage at Alaska a decade ago. Still people rate Exxon as the worst company despite of their extensive apologetic campaigns and $3.5 billions upon the clean up. But the people still state that Exxon as the killer company whos oil spillage killed millions of sea fish and birds. Now Exxon, a multinational company with soaring profits still cant manage to get things straight. This is one example; another example of Google. Now Google got kicked out of China due to violation of privacy issues in China. Chinese laws mount some privacy issues and google doesnt follow that, this is not a good social responsible aptitude of a citizen who actually came from abroad. The reason is that Chinese Information Technology Ministry kicked out Google and banned Google services and offices in China. On the other hand, Microsofts Bing is trying to take control of it by portraying itself a much more responsible ci tizen in the Chinese society. COROPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY is comprised of certain models and theories; One of the most widely used models is Carrolls Pyramid. This pyramid describes the levels of Corporate Responsbility. The types of morality among the managers and directors of the organization. This pyramid shows the level of social responsibility of a company. At the start, the company; ethically as well as legally bound; to make profits for the share holders. The company has to obey the laws and regulations of the society. Recall the case of Google, it failed to obey the laws and regulations of the Chinese Government and it got kicked out. Next step is about the ethical responsibilities, here the company may have to forgo some of the profit share. The example goes of Unilever and Proctor and Gamble. Unilevers business Intelligence once went beyond the enemy lines. They started to collect the garbage from the Proctor and gambles research and development facility; bring it back to Unilever labs and try to r eengineer that. After some time, they got exposed and Unilever, apologized the Proctor and Gamble in a press conference and handed over all its own research on their waste materials. This is one case of ethical breakdown, the oil spillage in the ALASKA and another oil spillage by the coast of Australia back in 1980 triggered ethical dilemmas against the companies. As the company goes to Philanthropic responsibilities, it has to contribute to the society. Like Disney did for the kids and parents . Disney gives charity to certain institutions around the globe in an attempt to improve the quality of life. Now companies like Coca Cola, Microsoft, Google, Disney, Exxon etc they generate huge profits and their annual budgets are more than the budgets of third world countries. They try to give something back to the society in an attempt to make the society better. This model dictates that the social and ethical responsibility of the company goes beyond the mere compliance with the laws and regulations of the societies. The laws made by the society for the betterment of the society must be followed. Laws like Child Labour, workforce work environment not only ensures the safety of the people working in the company but also ensures the motivation and level of loyalty from them towards the company. The Carrolls Pyramid model defines the levels of morality of the managers. In order to be a successful COROPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY company, the company must have managers who are totally MORAL and they stick to the code of the ethical and moral as well as legal issues of the society and company. One way to get this is promoting an ethical and socially responsible culture within the company. This would help to promote the sense of ethical and social responsibility among the workers and managers which ultimately depicts the whole company. Company Background: A company founded in 1930s and now became a colossal in family entertainment. Disney; also known as Mickey Mouse Company; now own 11 theme parks around the globe. The company is currently a multinational. The company owns different TV Channel and still committed to their basic commitment of producing shows and movies for the kids of all ages. Disney enjoys the legacy of Mickey Mouse, Snow white and the white dwarfs, Cindrella, The little mermaid, WALL E etc movies. The movies which not only enjoyed by kids but adults as well. Disney is currently operating five major sections: Media Networks Disney enjoys a whole array of network channels across US and around the globe. The 31 channels collaborated with abc network and local channels in florida, Chicago etc makes the Disney a significant player in the game of business market share in Media Networks. The most favourite channel The Disney Channel which has programs for all ages, Phinneas and Ferb, Kimpossible, for kids and Hanna Montana, Suite Life on Deck for teenagers etc. In the market of media networks, Disney is giving a tough time to its competitors Parks and resorts Disney has a range of 11 theme parks in three continents of the world. These 11 theme parks are both owned and co owned. The first theme park was launched in 1952 and now Disney is 100% share holder in the market of theme park resorts. Disney has no such competitor in that. Interactive Media The Disneys interactive media is the one involved in the interactive websites and web portals for kids and parents. The interactive media involves secured web for the kids. The interactive media games like whenever the you log on the site, the mouse pointer changes and the flying Barbie along with tinker bell guides you the whole website. The interactive media is quite successful in attracting the customers and kids alike. Consumer Products Disney has very diversified set of operations, on one hand it has studio entertainment and on the other hand, its has theme parks and resorts. Disney also deals in consumer products, products bearing the logo of Disney. The products include a lot of variety, from goodies of successful movie characters to home dà ©cor items bearing the silhouette of Mickey mouse. The merchandise is another profitable section of Disney. Daily numerous people visit theme parks, they take the merchandise and its sales are high. Studio Entertainment The studio entertainment is no doubt one of the most profitable sections of Disney. Disney Animation, Pixar Animations etc are just a very few names of the distributors of Disney. Disney enjoys the memories of blockbuster and oscar winner movies like Snow white and seven dwarfs, Wall E , UP , Cindrella, The Lion King etc. The grammy award for best original soundtrack of 2008 awarded to Ratatouille; a movie in which a mouse wants to be a chef and it becomes a chef in the end. The Disneys studio entertainment surely gave out some very classic and memorable movies. Movies like UP who won 2 Oscars in 2010 was highly admired and loved by all age groups. A story of love, with comic and very unique plot tagged with extraordinary animation and colourscheme made the ultimate recipe of success. On the other hand, the classic movies like Pocohauntus, Mulan, The little mermaid, Pinnochio not only conquered the box office for quite a time but also gave out some positive messages to the society an d children. 3. Children and family: The cartoon characters as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Minnie, and Goofy, combined with the intelligent use of music, sound, and folk material, made the Disney successful among children all over the world. This success led to the establishment of the hugely commercial, Disney-controlled sidelines in publicity, publishing, and merchandising. For children fairy tales are produced like Snow white and seven dwarves, Alladin, Cinderella, Sleeping beauty etc. These fairy tales are told and executed beautifully so that children get entertainment and moral lessons. The latest hit of Disney is Wall-e which has won Oscar award and is very popular among children as well as in Parents and teenagers. Disneys Distribution Channels include Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios and Disney Toon Studios Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures and Miramax Films. Disney is fulfilling its social responsibilities by getting children aware of the code of ethics and rules of living in a society. On , 1957, Disney opened Disneyland in Anaheim, California, the most successful amusement park in history, with millions of people visiting it by 1966. The idea for the park came to him after taking his children to other amusement parks and watching them have fun on amusement rides. He decided to build a park where the entire family could have fun together. In 1971 Disney World in Orlando, Florida, opened. Since then, Disney theme parks have opened in Tokyo, Japan, and Paris, France. Disneys parks continue to grow with the creation of the Disney-MGM Studios, Animal Kingdom, and an extensive sports complex in Orlando. Parks and resorts depicts the company theme. Here characters of animations are shown alive and appropriate atmosphere is created for it by the help of experts. So, that children as well as Parents enjoy in Parks rather then sitting alone seeing their children playing. There are 11 parks some owned and some co-owned by independent entities on three continents. The Disney Corporation has also branched out into other types of films with the creation of Touchstone Films, into music with Hollywood Records, and even into vacations with its Disney Cruise Lines. In all, the Disney name now covers a multi-billion dollar enterprise, with business ventures all over the world. In 1939 Disney received an honorary (received without meeting the usual requirements) Academy Award, and in 1954 he received four more Academy Awards. In 1965 President Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973) presented Disney with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and in the same year Disney was awarded the Freedom Foundation Award. Nutritious food Disney aims to provide healthy and full of nutrition food to the children as the parents are now a days getting worried about their children health because of availability of junk food. Children are fond of junk food which is causing health problems like lack of energy, poor concentration, heart diseases and high cholesterol level. Disney is providing beverages and side dishes. For beverages milk is given and apples are given as side dishes providing full of nutrition food and Parents worries are finished. Except of that Disney is also providing treats and other kinds of foods for children. Several millions of meals in a year are being given in parks and resorts. Food has specific conditions like limitation on fat, calories, saturated fat and sugar. It is also offering birthday cakes, confectionary products and other kinds of sweets. Along with food items Disney is manufacturing different consumer products. From childrens writing tablet to their tee-shirts, home dà ©cor, books, magazines, interactive games, online websites etc. It is providing toys of different characters, other accessories, footwear even beauty kits, all of them are having brand name of Disney. Children are more attracted towards Disneys stationary, Disney home, their room decorated with Disney wall papers, toys, other house hold accessories manufactured by Disney. For online service Disney has made some groups like Club Penguin, Pirates of the Caribbean Online and Disney Fairies. They provide different interactive games and allow children to make their profile and make friends online to chat and play with them. Parents also have regular check on their childs profile and his activities. Work Places Safety and security measures are taken for customers as well as employees. Proper facilities are available for the safety of workers. Disney fulfills quality, ethics and social responsibility on the part of its employees. Disney provides social friendly environment to its workers so that they work with ease and provide better results. Disney also make sure that its employees maintain the decorum of social responsibilities and do not break the codes of ethics. Disneys best policy is engagement of employees. Disney has provided quality leadership to its employees. Starting fro the process of recruitment to the process working employees are focused on development and progress. The abilities of employees are tested and they are given work as per their capability. Workers talent is admired and they are given that work which they can do efficiently. Open Communication is done among employees in the form of meetings, questioners etc. Its helps in finding out the problems faced by the workers. Different surveys are done to know the employees working conditions and ways of improving them. Company provides opportunities to participate in decision making process, it helps to make employees come closer to the company and their loyalties are increased for the company. The members and workers of Parks and resort are sanctioned to participate in delivering magic to meet the customers requirements and expectations. They are allowed in innovation of new ideas to attract new customers at the same time retain the old ones. Disney provides employee benefits to its workers. These benefits include retirement and saving options which make the future of the workers secure. Other facilities are also provided like health and wellness programs for the security and well being of the workers. Disney facilitate its workers by the health programs having confidential health pursuits, so that employees know about their health and also their family health. The company also provides insurance policy so that in case of any accident the employee can get advantage from it. Employees also get other benefits. They have benefit of complimentary Theme park tickets. They get these benefits in Disney owned parks. Employees can get silver or main entrance pass for allowance of their entry and their dependants. They can also get benefit form other discounts given by the company. Employees at major occasions can go to the screening of the upcoming movie in the theater. Disney also provides child care financial scholarship to his workers. Disney also provides tuition assistance to the employees. Disney gives financial assistance for eligible employees who effectively complete trained courses that are related directly to post duties. Disney also work for the training and development of the employees by the help of effective leadership. This training lays emphasis on the communication, increase in effective communication not only among employees but also with the higher authorities. t innovation, innovative ideas and creative work is need of the century. So, Disney works on the creativeness of the employees. Time management, is also very important tool in practical life without it nothing can be done properly. So, it is also taught to the employees. Methodological and creative skills improvement, employees have the necessary skills but they need to polish it under correct supervision to make its proper use. Cultural awareness, it is important in order to survive in an environment. Code of ethics are the societal rules and employees should be aware of the moral values of the society in which they live and work. Disney also helps its employees in career planning and development. It helps its employees to attain its goals. Disney has a diverse workforce in which people from all ages, experiences, backgrounds, ethnic groups, and lifestyles are included which work for the company. These people forget their personal issues and work for the company. Minorities are given same chance depending upon their talent and skills. Disney has also worked for the safety and loss prevention. Proper safety measures are taken not only for the customers but also for the workers, suppliers and equipment. Disney has Television and Motion Picture Safety: Every script is read by safety professionals for the evaluation of possible risks and exposures. It also has worked for Media Network Safety: loss prevention is needed in case of availability of variety of entertainment and news content . Safety in Motion: For the reduction of potential losses resulting from body-motion injuries, this program is focused on dropping body-motion and musculoskeletal injuries special in case of park . More than 20,000 Cast Members have received this benefit. As a result, body motion claims have been reduced by 38% at the Walt Disney World Resort, with similar results at other business units. Not just employee diversity Disney has supplier diversity too. Number of minorities and women owned companies doing business with Disney have increased. Due to this Disney was recognized as Corporation of the Year by the Womens Business Enterprise Council West, the Southern California Minority Business Development Council and the Florida Minority Business Development Council and as Entertainment Company of the Year by the Greater Los Angeles African-American Chamber of Commerce. Disney has introduced Disneys International Labor Standards (ILS) program It is considered to assess and address the working conditions of the employees. The environment of their work, their difficulties are considered in this program. Report is made and is send to Audit committee of the Board of Directors to take necessary actions. 4. Criticism on Disney Corporate Social responsibility: Nothing is perfect, there is always a room for improvement. Disney evolved from the 2 room studio to a world level brand. Despite of the fact that it has a very impressive reputation among the consumers, some call Disney as the Devil Organization. Disney has to face many lawsuits but most of the lawsuits got settled up without going to the court. The critics claims DISNEY as its not the wholesome as it portrays. The shiny and attractive family pictures where kids and families are smiling and enjoying a quality time with the happy employees and a corporate social responsible feel doesnt tell the whole story. As there are two sides of any picture, the shiny and the attractive side has been shown by their Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report. The other side of the picture is quite dark. Disney has been a focus for many criticism from various groups like religious groups, ethnic groups, human rights, child labour etc. Each of the criticism is explained later in this section. Dis ney has always depicted itself as a corporate social responsible company and it has literally spilled money on that. The charity funds, the involvement of parents, the image of quality time spending with your loved ones etc are just a part of it. Disney has won many awards for their corporate social behaviour. Disney has resorts in 3 continents and in USA, the daily visitors count exceed 60000. On the other side, the theme park at Hong Kong is proving to be a golden egg laying hen for Disney. Disney claims to have special training programs and user manuals for the promotion of corporate social responsibility among the employees, from lower to higher level. Recently, Disney won Reputation award for Employees and Human resource capital satisfaction. But, is this really worthy enough to make Disney as a model organization in Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility? Is Disney the better than its competitors in terms of CSR? Is Disney literally portraying a true image of itself or its just another fairy tale? The answers of such questions and many more has been given later in this section. As Disney has major stakeholders; Children and Family Disney boasts the need of spending quality time with your family. It depicts the fact by showing family pictures enjoying together with a lot of happy faces. It shows that in this world of hassle and insecurity, you can still spend time with your loved ones and enjoy your life. Disney theme parks come up with a feeling of a fairy tale. Moreover, Disney boasts that its programs can be viewed by the Kids of all ages. Recently, Disney claimed in its 2008 Corporate Social Responsibility Report that it has taking some strong measures against smoking in films but in the reality, smoking is getting promoted quite effectively via Disney Cartoon and shows. In the movie, The Princess and the Frog, the villain smokes the cigarette quite stylishly. Same goes for Alladin and other movies. This sort of imagery creates a very negative image in the minds of the children. The children tend to take such things in a fun manner and they try to adopt it. The mind of children has been designed to learn but it couldnt differentiate to mark the thing as right or wrong. This is a fact which Disney should take account of. The depiction of smoking in movies, in any character or in any sense leaves an impact of the children. Especially when they try to adopt the character. Another critics point out some crucial issues for the mind and personality development of the children. Disney claims that it has shown Be yourself in the characters of the movies like Alladin , Pocohauntus, etc but critics pointed it out in a different manner. Critics claim that Disney movies promotes sexuality, religious and ethnic discrimination, homosexuality etc. Critics also back their claims with certain facts like, in the movie The Lion King, the characters Timon and Pumba Promoted the first gay cartoon couple living happily. Now this type of stereotyping leaves a very very negative impact in the mind so this sort of corporate responsible attitude is not acceptable at all. Moreover, the promotion of sexuality in the movies are the subject of criticism from time to time. The most critized movie over this subject of matter was Jessica Rabbit which not only dressed erotically but also her certain body parts got exposed during the movie. Certain religious and parent groups heavily criticize this and regarded this as demoralizing the whole generation. Jessica rabbit was the centre of attraction of literally Kids of all ages! Such irresponsible behaviour in character making and depicting for a cartoon for kids is not socially responsible. Such cheap publicity stunts and shortcuts brought Disney a good fortune but the social responsible aptitude is down the drain. Another issue is of the ethnic discrimination; as in the CSR Report of 2008, Disney presents the examples of Alladin and Cheetah Girls etc for the diversity and bringing tolerance in the minds of the people; however in reality, the Alladins Soundtrack depicted the difference. The soundtrack depicts the American Arab difference and discrimination policy. The soundtrack deceivingly portrays and states the barbaric nature of the Arab World. This goes same in the case of Lion King, in which the hyenas are depicted as downtown thugs of the streets of United States. The recent movie The Princess and The Frog; as per Disney spokesperson; is trying to develop a sense of tolerance and no discrimination among the children. This has been carried out in such a way that the princess in this film is black whereas all the princesses in the previous Disney movies were white. On the other hand, people call it as racism and still point fingers at the Disneys Think tanks. The above mentioned critics seriously point out the credibility of the Disney movies itself. The Disney has to do some serious steps in order to cater that. Disney should take some serious measures in order to cater issues like that. As far as the competitors are concerned, the DreamWorks Animation Studios Kung Fu Panda and Shrek depicted a more positive message about Be yourself without promoting sex or vulgarity or with other cheap shortcut. DreamWorks Animations Madagascar literally blew the house with laughters, an extreme comedy with an interesting story plot with no issues from parents or any religious groups. Dream Works Animation is literally playing its part in social corporate responsibility. Employees Work Force Disney is the role model of many companies in terms of corporate governance. Disney has proved time and time again that its not only socially responsible to the external stakeholders but it is also equally socially responsible to internal stakeholders as well. Disney has devised out certain User manual for the board of directors to practice corporate governance rules and regulations. Disney has no discrimination policy and it boasts of it widely. Disney ensured that the workers have the safer and user friendly environment for the workplace. The diversity among the employees and zero discrimination policy tolerates race, religion, ethnic group for promotion. Disney always tried to be the role model in employee satisfaction and organizations internal matters. In the corporate reputation, Disney scored the highest among employee satisfaction. Disney maintained its position in the corporate reputation; an independent research conducted by Reputation. On the other hand, there are some fingers rising towards the practices of Disney around the globe. Disney has 11 theme parks, some owned and some co-owned. These theme parks have employees, now the employees which are under the direct umbrella of Disney are reported to be happy, satisfied etc but the employees which are being outsourced to the third world countries, they are exploited in a very shameful manner. 101 Dalmations was the blockbuster hit for Disney Corporations, Disney collaborated with Mc Donalds and they started to give out toy figures of Dalmations in the Happy Meal. Even Mc Donalds benefited from the hit and its sale also rose due to the fact of involvement of Dalmations Goodies and Toy Figures in the Happy meal. These Dalmation figures were produced in Vietnam with a very low low vage of few cents per hour. The woman and children were forced by the local manufacturer to Disney to produce the toy items in such non-human conditions. The constant intake of Acetone and o ther volatile chemicals made the workers terribly sick. This is just one side of the story, one critic pointed out the fact of Disney T-Shrits. The T-shirts were outsourced to BURMA, where the same conditions were there. The whole money, just for the sake of low costing, was given to the third party which ensured the total exploitation of the labour. According to US department of Defence, a significant amount of drugs comes from Burma and Disney actually hired people over there to produce T shirts, generate the finance, and invest it in drugs business. Disney also boasts its policies about Child labour and the charities given to child labour etc.On the other hand, in above mentioned examples, a huge percentage of the labour was child labour. Now the question arises to Disney that how much is its Circle of Corporate Social Responsibility? Does the circle tend to be within the theme park or where people can clearly see? Disney is being held questionable for that but no comments or any sort of explanations except denials have been reported from the Disneys side. During the recession, Disney also had to downsize itself, the downsizing was disastrous for the theme park visitors. As, if there was on ride there were; lets say 6 people in the start; when the downsizing occurred; only 2 remained. On the other hand, the number of visitors daily increased in order to get the costs. A previous worker of the Disney mentioned that Disney had a policy of fixed number of visitors daily. Upon reaching that number, no more entrance policy was exercised but nowadays, the green is more than the human soul. The rides are over running and they are not being properly maintained; moreover, the lack of personnel to assist the visitors is becoming another problem. In order to properly portray what it is and what it really shows to be; Disney need some strict measures to take upon such third party labour issues. Moreover, the security measures at the theme parks and the training and development of the employees must be carried out.